Monday 1 July 2013


Hey, welcome to my blog if your reading this. My name's Rebecca and this is my first post! I'm hoping to post about photography, which I'm very passionate about, and lifestyle. Although sometimes my interests change and so does the people around me, because that's a fact of life, so things on here may change as I do but you can never see into the future! As I mentioned before my name's Rebecca Shaw but the name of this blog is 'Boo' because that was a nickname I got called in my younger childhood by my family (it originated from 'Becca Boo'). I live in South Australia though I was born and raised as a younger child in Britain. I have two parents (duh) a younger sister, Hannah, and a baby brother named Oliver. I absolutely love to read and don't like television that much- unlike normal children and I also play netball. I wish to be a Photographer or Journalist one day because I love the use of words (that was one of the reasons for starting a blog). My email is if you wish to give feedback (please no spamming!) Or follow me on Twitter (@RebeccaShaw23). I'm still yet to create a Facebook page and Instagram account for this blog yet and any other social networks.


  1. Hello lovely! Welcome to the blogging world- your first post is so exciting isn't it?!
    I hope you love blogging as much as I do and I hope to speak soon, pop over any time :)
    Laura xx

    1. Thank you! I definitely will check out your blog!
